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Importance of fajr prayer or. Importance of prayer

                        Importance of prayer 

The first important thing of each Muslim is faith. Then five times prayers. After faith, the importance of prayer has been given to the greatest importance. And among the five times prayers, Esha and Fajr's congregation are the highest importance. In the two times of Esha and Fajr, people usually spend time with family and rest. As a result, there are enough negligence and negligence in Jamaataduta. For this reason, it has been especially encouraged and inspired by Hadith.

Narrated by Ubai ibn Cab (ra), 'Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught us Fajr prayers. Salam asked back, what is there? People said, there is no. Then he asked the name of another, and what is there? People said, there is no. He said, these two prayers (Esha and Fajr) are the most difficult for the hypocrites. If you know that the amount of reward in these two prayers, then crawl, but to come to it. '(Abu Daud, .     

Fajr's two rak'ah Sunnat :

Fajr's two rak'ahs are the most important among the circumcision-Sunnat prayers. The Hadith has been described in the virtue of itself, which was not in the case of other circumcision. One hadith came to the hadith, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, 'Fajr's two rak'ats (Sunnah) is better than what is between the world and the world.' (Muslim, Hadith: 725) 

People are usually busy during the importance of reading Fajr-Esha Jamaat and the nights of the reward. Spend time with family and rest. As a result, the Jamaat was neglected enough. Getting neglected and released. For this, it is particularly encouraged to have hadiths. One hadith came to Hadith, 'The person who fell with Esha and Fajr Jamaat, as if he had stood all night and prayed.' (Muslim, Hadith: 656)

But very sad thing is that hundreds of Muslims spend time in laziness and negligence. Despite the opportunity, prayers do not pay. And many of them can not read Fajr prayers regularly among them. Many of those who read regularly, many people can not be partner in Fajr's church. Allah Take our laziness. Namely during the time of prayer, the Tawfik day of prayer.



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