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What Islam says about marriage

Abul Khair's shopon: All praise is due to Allah Almighty who created us as Ashraful Makhlukat and sent us to this world.  Durood and Salam Janai is the great messenger of world humanity who has come to this world as the promoter of Islam, which was revealed by Allah as a perfect way of life.  The Almighty created our first father, Adam (peace be upon him), and created the first mother, Hazrat Eve (peace be upon her), as his life partner in order to bring about the fulfillment of his (Adam's) life.  

Friendship, love, purity, chastity, self-sacrifice are the characteristics of a woman's adornment.  This adornment of women will last till eternity.  Everywhere the woman awakens the vibrancy of new life in the mind of the dead.  The light of hope awakens in the mind of a woman burdened with sorrow.  Like the young branches of a tree in the midst of danger, it remains intact, enduring.  An exuberant wave of laughter played on his face with a little joy.  Women place their thrones in the minds of men.  Spreads his own kingdom.

Women are the invocation of life, the music of delight, the sacred love, the symbol of love.  The world is the lifeblood of the universe.  All the glamor in the picture of Vishwa Nikhil is only for the welfare of women.  The whole world is indebted to humanity.  In the world of creation, half of the creation is made by women, half by men.  After creating the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) in a good attempt to end the loneliness, he created the Prophet Eve (peace be upon him) as his life partner through marriage which is the first marriage in human history.  Because marriage is the only legal, statutory, universal and sacred arrangement for men to have relations with women.
Islam, the religion of humanity, has made arrangements for marriage between men and women in order to lead a beautiful and pious life.  Islam insists on marriage only to protect oneself from the curse of disorder and filth in a life without power.  Because this marriage system is a powerful and practical tool to protect the sanctity and chastity of men and women.  Marriage is the establishment of a relationship between a man and a woman in a social environment and according to Islamic law, which makes it perfectly legal for a man and a woman to live together and have sex with each other.  Marriage is an auspicious and religious ceremony which is the beginning of the future life of men and women.  It is imperative to maintain religious rites instead of arranging obscene ceremonies in the name of ceremonies and mere rejoicing.  There is no place for monasticism in Islam.  In Islam, a competent person is commanded to marry.

It is a reprehensible crime in Islam to not marry despite one's ability.  Because marriage is not just for pleasure but marriage is indirectly and directly helping to make the life of every man and woman holy, beautiful and fulfilling.  The Holy Qur'an mentions the arrangement of marriage and taking a wife as a special gift of Allah to the Prophet.  In this connection, Surah Rayad of the Holy Qur'an mentions, "O Prophet, I have sent many prophets and messengers before you and arranged for them wives and children."  From the gist of the verse it is understood that marriage is a divine provision given by Allah.
In the same context, Allah says in Surah Noor of the Holy Qur'an, "And marry those of you who have no husband or wife;  Marry those of your male and female slaves who are worthy of marriage. "  Through marriage, the guru is entrusted to the husband and wife.  In the establishment of responsibilities, duties and rights, the marital life is kept beautiful, happy and sacred by obeying the religious precepts.
 In this connection, Allah says in verse 18 of Surah Al-Baqarah of the Holy Qur'an: “Wives are a garment for you and you are a garment for them.  In other words, just as clothing protects the human body from all kinds of nudity, obscenity, ugliness, etc., so husband and wife protect each other through marriage.  In the same context, there is Ershad in Miskat Sharif: "Whoever gets married has half of his faith fulfilled, let him fear Allah for the other half."

The hadith further mentions that "when the husband and wife sit alone and talk, laughing and rejoicing, their reward is like supererogatory worship."  Moreover, Ershad has said in the hadith that wives are the best temporary wealth in the world.  The importance and necessity of marriage is very important in the life of every man and woman.  In this connection, in verse 25 of Surah An-Nisa 'of the Holy Qur'an, Ershad says, “Marry them with the permission of their guardians;  Properly seal them;  "So that they can be safe in the fortress of marriage and not engage in free sex and secret friendships."  Through the verses, Allah the Almighty has encouraged marriage and discouraged sexual intercourse without marriage.  It is never desirable in Islam to live unmarried and ungrateful after acquiring the ability to marry (physically and financially) but the goal of Islam is to get rid of it.  Because an ungrateful life can never be a holy and contented life.
In addition to the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) specifically encouraged able-bodied people to marry, as well as discouraged people from deliberately marrying despite their ability.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,  The one who controls, purifies the sexual organs and whoever cannot afford it should fast, because fasting is his shield ”.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in an ambiguous voice, referring to the dire consequences of not getting married despite being able to do so, which is narrated from Ayesha (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon her).  He will not follow my Sunnah, he is not a member of my party.  In the eyes of Islam, marriage is the result of a civil contract.  Through the guardian, the woman presents herself for marriage and the man accepts it, that is, a marriage is completed through ijab and kabul.

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