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what does Islam say about football

 What does Islam say about watching football tournaments?

Q: What is watching a football tournament?  What is the sin of watching this game?

Answer :

Anyone who watches this game will be guilty in three ways: First.  Because of wasting precious time, which is the most valuable thing a human being can possess.  And people will be asked about his life in general and his youth in particular.  Abdullah bin Abbas by the barnitama Prophet Dictates, لا تزول قدم ابن آدم يوم القيامة من عند ربه حتى يسأل عن خمس, عن عمره فيم أفناه, وعن شبابه فيم أبلاه, وماله من أين اكتسبه وفيم أنفقه, وماذا عمل فيما علم  .  ‘On the Day of Resurrection, until a servant is asked five questions, his two feet will not move one step forward before Allah;  He will be asked about his age;  What has he lost?

Will be asked about his youth;  In what did he waste his youth?  He will be asked about his wealth;  How did he earn it?  And in what way did he spend it?  Will be asked about his knowledge;  Did he act according to the knowledge he had acquired?  [Tirmidhi: 2416]

Secondly.  Due to the exposure of the covering part of the body.  And it is a fact that the game of football is open.  Meanwhile, we know that it is not permissible to open or see the satar without any need.  Third.  In this way, the delay in the prayer or the prayer becomes a complete argument.  It is also a visual matter which there is no way to deny.  Instead, in big tournaments, everyone starts coming to the stadium after Johar and watching the game till Maghrib.  As a result, the Asr prayer was rushed.

But Asr is the prayer which Allah has commanded to take special care of.  As Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has said,      , حَٰفِظُواْ عَلَى ٱلصَّلَوَٰتِ وٱلصَّلَوٰةِٱلۡوُسۡطَىٰ وَقُومُواْلِلَّهِ قَٰنِتِينَ٢٣٨ # البقرة: ٢٣٨    Guard the prayers and the intervening prayers, and stand before Allah humbly. '[Surah Al-Baqara, verse: 237]   The message of Wasallam also warns against destroying this prayer in various ways.  For example: It has been narrated by Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, «  ‘Whoever misses the Asr prayer, it is as if he has lost his (Tabat) family and wealth.’ [Bukhari: 552;  Muslim: 991]

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, «مَنْ تَرَكَ صَلاَةَ الْعَصْرِ فَقَدْ حَبِطَ عَمَلُهُ.   The one who neglects the Asr prayer loses his (all) deeds. '[Bukhari: 553]   [Bukhari: 553] In response to a question about delaying the prayer for playing football, Shaykh Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said, 'I will tell you about the delay in your prayer to watch the tournament.  As a dear brother, I advise you not to waste your precious time watching the tournament.  Because, I do not see any welfare in this world or the Hereafter.  No doubt this is just a waste of time.  Moreover, as far as I know, Satar is open in many games.  Trousers are up to or near the thighs.

And there is no doubt that if the thighs of the youth are exposed, it can be a cause of fitna.  In the same way, the spectators respect these players in such a way that they cannot be suitable considering the external aspects of the game.  Original: Sheikh Abdur Rahman Ibn Abdullah Al-Suhaim Translation: Maulana Ali Hasan Tayyab Courtesy: Islam House

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