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Ways to get rid of bad habits

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a hadeeth, ‘Allaah has 99 adjectives;  The person who will chant these adjectives;  He will go to Paradise. 'These adjectives of Allah have different deeds to be observed in daily life and have many virtues and benefits.

‘Al-Hamidu’ is one of the adjectives of Allah (اَÙ„ْØ­َÙ…ِÙŠْدُ).  Through the practice of this holy name, man will be able to be free from his bad or evil nature.

 The adjectives of Allah (اَÙ„ْØ­َÙ…ِÙŠْدُ) ‘Al-Hamidu’ are highlighted as the deeds and virtues of Zikr-Pronunciation: ‘Al-Hamidu’ means: ‘Praiser of one's own caste and attributes;  Who deserves praise;  He is praised for his names, qualities, deeds, sayings, good deeds, law and dignity. '

Virtue >> A person who recites more than the dhikr of the holy adjective name of Allah (اَÙ„ْØ­َÙ…ِÙŠْدُ) ‘Al-Hamidu’;  All the deeds of that person are beautiful and desirable.

 >> If a person always utters bad or evil words or treats each other badly;  Which happens to his reluctance.  If that person writes the holy adjective name of Allah (اَÙ„ْØ­َÙ…ِÙŠْدُ) ‘Al-Hamidu’ in a vessel and mixes it with water and drinks it, then by the will of Allah, the bad nature or bad behavior of that person will be removed.

 May Allaah grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq of good behavior through this deed to the bad natured and evil-doers.  Amen.

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