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Friday of a Muslim


Friday is not a weekly holiday for any Muslim.  Friday is the weekly happy day (Eid) for a Muslim.

The importance of a Muslim's obedience to Allah also increases on Friday.  Although every day of the week a Muslim has to show allegiance to Allah, Friday carries some special significance for a Muslim.

Not unattainable, the number of receipts is more in the life of a believer.  Allah Ta'ala says, ‘If you count the blessings of Allah (in your own life), you will not be able to finish counting.’  As a result, unrest does not remain in our lives.

 There are many religious and worldly things that we as the only Muhammadan Ummah have got.  The followers of other prophets did not get it.  One of them is Friday.  Many virtues of this day have been narrated in Hadith Sharif.  Such as:

Jumu'ah is just a feature of this ummah: Narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Allaah Ta'ala has kept our previous ummah ignorant about Jumu'ah.  Saturday was the holy day of the Jews.  Christians had Sundays.  Then Allah Ta'ala sent us into the world and bestowed on us the virtue of Friday.  The series puts Saturday and Sunday after Friday.  Like this serial of the world, the Jewish Christians will be after the Muslims on the Day of Judgment.  Even if we as a nation come last, we will be before all creation on the Day of Resurrection (Muslim-1483).

Friday is the best day in the world: Narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Friday is the best day for the sun to rise on earth.  On this day Adam was created and admitted to Paradise.  On this day he was expelled from Paradise.  The last resurrection will take place on Friday (Muslim-654).

The best day of the week: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Friday is the best of days and it is more honorable in the sight of Allaah (Ibn Majah, hadeeth: 1084).

 Day of Forgiveness of Sins: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: A person who takes a bath on Friday will wear good clothes and use perfume, if he has one.  Then he comes to the Jumu'ah prayers and does not go over the body of other worshipers.  Performs the prescribed prayers.  Then the Imam is silent from the time he goes out for the sermon until the salutation.  Then this act of his will be the expiation for all the sins from the day of the previous Friday to the next Friday (Abu Dawood, Hadith: 343).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that a person who takes a good bath on Friday goes to the mosque first and then walks without getting in a vehicle.  Sitting next to the Imam and listening to the Imam's discourse, not doing useless deeds, but in return for his every step, Allah Ta'ala rewards him with fasting and resurrection for one year (Tirmidhi-Hadith: 456).

Friday is the day of Eid for Muslims: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Allaah has made this day, the day of Jumu'ah, the day of Eid for Muslims (Sahih Ibn Majah-908).

 Salvation from the torment of the grave: It has been narrated in the hadith that if a Muslim dies on Friday night or day, Allah Ta'ala will protect him from the torment of the grave (Tirmidhi-1074).

Some special periods of this virtuous day have been narrated in Hadith Sharif.  Here are some of the periods mentioned.

 1.  It is virtuous to perform prayers in congregation five times a day.  Of these, performing Fajr prayers in congregation on Friday is more virtuous.  It has been narrated in the hadith that the greatest prayer in the sight of Allah is the Fajr prayer on Friday.  Which is realized with Jamaat (Silsilatus Sahiha-4/91).  2.  Take a bath  3.  Wear good clothes.  4.  Using perfume.  5.  Going to the mosque first: The important act of this day is to go to the mosque first.  Allah Ta'ala says, ‘O you who believe!  When the call to prayer is made on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and stop trading.  That is better for you, if you only knew '(Surah Jumu'ah, verse 9).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The angels are at the door of the mosque on Fridays and write the names of those who have come before them in order.  The one who comes first is the one who sacrifices a fat camel.  The one who comes next is the one who sacrifices a cow.  Then the person who arrives is like a chicken donor.  Then when the Imam came out, the angels stopped writing and listened attentively to the sermon (Bukhari, Hadith: 929).

6 .  Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf: Narrated Abu Saeed Al-Khudri: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, the light will be brightened up to two Fridays (Amal al-Yaomi wal Layl, hadeeth: 952).

7.  Reading more and more Darood Sharif: Another act of this day is to recite more and more Darood on Nabiji.  In this regard, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Recite more darood on me on this day.  Because your darood is presented before me (Abu Dawood, Hadith: 1047).

 8.  Do not come to the mosque and say anything unnecessary other than dhikr, recitation and worship: It has been narrated in the hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “If you tell your partner to be silent during the Friday prayer sermon, it will be useless for you”  .(Bukhari,Hadith:906)

9.  Especially giving importance to prayers: One of the important special acts on Friday is to concentrate on prayers.  Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: There is a special moment in the 12 hours of Jumu'ah when Allaah accepts the supplication that a Muslim makes to Allaah (Abu Dawood, Hadith: 1047).  May Allah Tayala grant us the tawfiq to act.

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