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From preaching the Baha'i Faith to Islam


Mary Batson, an Australian citizen, was born into a Baha'i family.  The Bahai'i's began learning about the Arabic language and Islam out of a desire to translate scriptures.  At one point he began to compare Islam and the Baha'i faith and gradually became interested in Islam.  After two long years of study and review, Maryam accepted Islam on November 9, 1997.

"I was born into a Baha'i family," she said.  Although my parents are of Anglo-Celtic descent, they converted to Baha'i in the sixties.  As a result, in my childhood, I used to judge other religions of the world in the light of Baha'i faith.  At a young age, I was elected as a preacher and spiritual leader at the local level.  I wanted to be a servant of the Baha'i faith and a translator of scriptures.

One night I was on my way to North Queensland to volunteer for a year in the Baha'i faith.  I started praying at night.  Remember, it was very hot in the evening.  There was a disgusting sound in the fan.  Mosquitoes were coming to my bedside lamp.  Something was falling on me too.  Even in such a situation, I have dedicated myself to the Creator, living my life according to His will — this feeling gave me indescribable peace.

The next few days I was driven to learn Arabic.  So that I can be a translator of scriptures.  But I kept telling my acquaintances that I would learn Persian, the language in which the Baha'i scriptures were first published.

Thus did Allah guide me to His path.  I got the opportunity to take Arabic and Islamic studies at the university.  I wanted to get an idea about Islam before the class started.  I found an Islamic clothing store and saw advertisements for Muslim women teaching religion.

I asked myself if I could attend their classes.  They gave me a chance and I started reading Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Sirat in the weekly class.  The attraction I developed towards Islam then was irresistible.  There was a strong desire, I became a Muslim.  Even after that I resisted and left the class after a month or two.  I never went back.

For two years I studied Islam, reviewing Islam in the light of the Baha'i faith.  After a deep search, I saw that Islam was the source of all that seemed good to me, and that the source of the infallible aspects of the Baha'i religion.  For example, with the difference in social responsibilities, equality between men and women, abandonment of racial prejudices, encouragement in education and knowledge acquisition, the idea of ​​social development and revolution, etc.

Then I started looking for differences between the two ideologies.  Baha'i  concept  Faith also has the idea of ​​monotheism.  But there one is encouraged to pray to the Creator through the founder Bahau'llh.  I found many things in the Bah' Faith that hide between man and his Creator.

Islam, on the other hand, connects people to the great Creator.  It is considered a crime to create any concealment between the great Creator and man.  After overall review and observation, I decided to convert to Islam and became a Muslim on November 9, 1996 after reciting the Kalama Shahadat.  I recite the Kalama in front of the women who first gave me the teachings and fragrance of Islam.  Alhamdulillah!

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