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Nutrition and benefits of chicken meat


Chicken meat has a lot of nutritional value and benefits.  We all like to eat chicken.  The demand for chicken meat is the highest in the market as it is cheaper in price. The amount of cholesterol in chicken meat is less than that of beef and mutton.  Chicken meat is no less nutritious than other meats.  It is also very tasty to eat.  It can be eaten in different ways.  Chicken kebabs, chicken rolls, chicken grills, fried, cooked, and many more can be cooked and eaten. 

The nutritional value of chicken meat

 Chicken meat is rich in nutrients.  It contains the calcium our body needs.  And calcium comes in different forms in the human body.  It plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth. It is very important for adults to eat chicken regularly.  And chicken meat is good for adults because it does not have high cholesterol.  It meets our protein needs.

 Find out the nutritional value of chicken meat below -

 Per 100 grams of chicken

 Material quantity

 Water is 84 percent

 Energy 121 calories

 20 grams of protein

 4 grams of fat

 Calcium 14 mg.

 Iron 0.8 mg

 Vitamin B 0.1 mg.

 Vitamin B-2 0.17 mg.

 Niacin 11.6 mg.

 Magnesium: 20 mg

 Potassium: 189 mg.

The benefits of chicken

 The benefits of chicken are many.  We eat chicken but many people do not know about its benefits.  Chicken meat is good for heart health and helps in weight loss. Chicken meat is low in fat so it is safe to eat.  Chicken meat is rich in protein.  Which plays an important role in strengthening our muscles.  Being a low fat protein, it serves as a good source of weight loss.  If you want to lose weight for a long time, chicken meat is definitely a healthy food.  And the side effects are less.  This meat contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan. As a result, a bowl of chicken soup can bring relief.  If you feel depressed, you can eat a few chicken wings.  Which helps to keep stress free by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. Adults are always at higher risk of arthritis and other bone diseases.  Putting chicken on your daily diet will help prevent bone loss.

Chicken meat works against various types of cardiovascular diseases of the heart by controlling the level of homocysteine.  And homocysteine ​​is an amino acid.  In high doses it is deadly harmful to the heart.  Chicken meat is rich in phosphorus and is good for dental and bone health. In addition, phosphorus helps us to control our kidneys, liver and nervous system. Vitamin B-6 in this meat improves metabolism in the body.  Helps to digest food without increasing body fat. It also works to keep blood vessels healthy. Niacin is an essential vitamin to keep our body cancer free.  Chicken meat is rich in niacin, which helps build resistance to various cancers and genetic problems caused by defective DNA.  This means that the benefits of chicken meat for our body.  Like other foods, chicken meat also works to protect the eyes.  Chicken meat contains retinol, lycopene, alpha and beta carotene, all of which are found in vitamin A.  These are essential ingredients for good eye health.

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